Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Whether studying just for getting good grades?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Grades ( marks ) encourage to learn. use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

I have two answers to that statement, namely :
First : I disagree with the reasons that real learning is not just for getting good grades alone, but how one is able to understand the subject matter provided without bound frills 'value'. For this reason gives the freedom for students to express themselves, freely dispense with the idea of ​​a different perspective in addressing issues in their lessons. They will learn on their own to understand something to learn from their experiences, and the unencumbered value frills 'bad' and 'good'

Second : I can also agree with the statement on the grounds that no-frills 'value', then we do not know the extent of one's understanding of a subject matter that he had received. 'Value' with frills is a measure of the number given to map the extent to which a person understands a subject in the subject matter that he received. Schools now it has outlined the problem only to find something no matter how much it terimplementasikan in everyday life. So indeed, the school is now as rote without touching directly on reality.

How do we actually Education?
The issue of education as we currently assume that 'value' is no longer a form of mapping, but being the ultimate goal of education itself. Such orientation has prompted educators in schools to ask for learners (students) to pursue the highest values. The problem the child is able to understand the material provided is not an important matter worksheets students filled with the correct answer will suffice. Educators often do not want to know how the students get the answer. Is the outcome is purely the work of a student or not, does not matter.
This condition then encourage students were oriented to obtain the value only with certain numbers without knowing what the real purpose of their learning. They then become incapable of critical thinking because it is not given the chance. They were given time to answer a myriad of questions in the theory of time. They then just be individuals penghafal as memorizing verses or mantras. Ironically, educators often also provide a myriad of home work 'PR' without first explaining the reason that students are more active in learning. The students are then forced to use their time just to memorize, memorize and memorize.
The implications of such condition is of course education is not inability of students to think critically and ultimately is how to implement what they learned with reality. Science rote that they built make the students to be individuals who are not sensitive to any problems that arise. It will also create more social sensitivity is lost and not caring for others.

Ideally the education we receive is education that can make individuals become more critical. Able to summarize every experience into capital to improve in the future. Reducing the volume of errors on the action and enhance positive dapa further action. Education which then stimulates the individual to the social spirit and most importantly be able to change things without just learned about the situation. Of course, education is not only the pursuit of educational value alone, but more encouraging education on understanding and relating to reality.

Example :
In the Current Period. Learning just getting good grades but the process is a big zero as a result our students the ability to learn decreases so that they can not follow the teaching-learning process in ajakarkan by teachers at the school and campus. and still a lot of our students do not understand the meaning of the actual learning process so rampant in Times Now Instant culture began to wander around the school and campus.
Learning in the Age of Now it is necessary why? because the learning process is very important to improve the quality of students 'extent of learners' learning abilities. not to, good value because cheating is wrong, and eventually they could not do anything to work on the problems in the form of multiple choice and essay.
that should be emphasized is the correct way of learning so as not oriented with good grades are important core processes first and later would result affairs good or bad values ​​that are important learning process we've discovered is already mengausai subject matter that has been teaches the teachers or not.